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9780252031717 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Gender in Modernism:

New Geographies, Complex Intersections
Gender in Modernism, conceived as a sequel to the now-classic volume The Gender of Modernism, selects the best from the fifteen years of feminist literary and modernist scholarship that has appeared since the original's publication. Its fresh and diverse texts examine new themes and reflect today's broader, more inclusive understanding of modernism. The collection's modernist works have been grouped into twenty-one thematic sections, with theoretical introductions to the primary texts provided by the scholars who have taken the lead in pushing both modernism and gender in new directions. The selections enhance our understanding of the complex intersections of gender with a large array of social identifications, including global location, ideas of race, passing, the queering of sexualities, medicine, and experiences of trauma and war. It sees continental modernism in a different light, and moves on to colonial and postcolonial sites. The collection also considers editors, journalists and the creators of less-studied genres of modernism, including writers on the left, suffragists, authors of manifestos, mediums, authors dismissed as sentimental, artists, dancers, dramatists, and filmmakers. Gender in Modernism will quickly move from resource to springboard, furthering modernist study well into the twenty-first century.
''Gender in Modernism provides an invaluable research tool for those interested in how the gender and sexual politics of Anglo-American Modernism pervaded the various controversies and experimental projects for which it has become famous. Bonnie Kime Scott has done a masterful job in putting together a critical and archival taxonomy that gives intelligible proportions to complex and wide-ranging field of inquiry.'' Joseph Valente , director of Irish studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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