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9780271025407 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

What Things Do:

Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design
  • ISBN-13: 9780271025407
  • By Peter-Paul Verbeek
  • Price: AUD $77.99
  • Stock: 2 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/11/2005
  • Format: Paperback (225.00mm X 155.00mm) 264 pages Weight: 430g
  • Categories: Philosophy [HP]
Table of

Our modern society is flooded with all sorts of devices: TV sets, automobiles, microwaves, mobile phones. How are all these things affecting us? How can their role in our lives be understood? What Things Do answers these questions by focusing on how technologies mediate our actions and our perceptions of the world.

Peter-Paul Verbeek develops this innovative approach by first distinguishing it from the classical philosophy of technology formulated by Jaspers and Heidegger, who were concerned that technology would alienate us from ourselves and the world around us. Against this gloomy and overly abstract view, Verbeek draws on and extends the work of more recent philosophers of technology like Don Ihde, Bruno Latour, and Albert Borgmann to present a much more empirically rich and nuanced picture of how material artifacts shape our existence and experiences. In the final part of the book Verbeek shows how his “postphenomenological” approach applies to the technological practice of industrial designers.

Its systematic and historical review of the philosophy of technology makes What Things Do suitable for use as an introductory text, while its innovative approach will make it appealing to readers in many fields, including philosophy, sociology, engineering, and industrial design.


Preface and Acknowledgments

Introduction: To the Things Themselves

1. The Death of Things

2. The Thing About the Philosophy of Technology

3. Toward a Philosophy of Artifacts

Part I: Philosophy Beyond Things

1. Technology and the Self

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Technology and Mass-Rule

1.3 Human Beings and Mass Production

1.4 Mass Existence

1.5 The Neutrality of Technology

1.6 Conclusion

2. The Thing about Technology

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Heidegger’s Philosophy of Technology

2.3 To Be or Not to Be—That Is the Question

2.4 Heidegger and Things

2.5 Conclusion

Part II: Philosophy from Things

3. Postphenomenology

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Empirical Research into Technology

3.3 Beyond Classical Phenomenology

3.4 Toward a Postphenomenology of Things

4. A Material Hermeneutic

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Relations Between Human Beings and Artifacts

4.3 Mediation and Meaning

4.4 Artifacts, Culture, and Science

4.5 Conclusion

5. The Acts of Artifacts

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Latour’s Amodern Ontology

5.3 Technical Mediation

5.4 Actor-Network Theory and Postphenomenology

5.5 Mediation of Action

5.6 Conclusion

6. Devices and the Good Life

6.1 Introduction

6.2 The Device Paradigm

6.3 Technology and the Good Life

6.4 Beyond Alienation

6.5 Mediated Engagement

6.6 Conclusion: The Mediation of Action and Experience

Part III: Philosophy for Things

7. Artifacts in Design

7.1 Introduction

7.2 The Materiality of Things

7.3 Toward a Material Aesthetics

7.4 Durable Designs

7.5 Conclusion

“In this insightful examination of the technological mediation in human action, he both poses new philosophical and societal questions, and offers a new way of bringing ethics into the practice of designing technical artifacts.”

—Katinka Waelbers, Science and Engineering Ethics

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