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African Americans and Mass Media

A Case for Diversity in Media Ownership
  • ISBN-13: 9780739191262
  • By Richard T. Craig
  • Price: AUD $234.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 13/02/2015
  • Format: Hardback 118 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Media studies [JFD]
Table of
In African Americans and Mass Media, Richard T. Craig explores the relationship among the lack of media ownership diversity, in addition to the political, and economical, influences, and policy developments influencing media ownership. Craig also addresses the concern of growing media monopolies and the decline in minority media ownership since the passing of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Focusing the policy argument on this act and the deregulation of media ownership, this book explores, the jeopardy jeopardizing of diminishedas well as the influence on content. Observing Black Entertainment Television (BET) in the last five years of African American ownership and the first five years of conglomerate ownership-paralleling the first decade after the Telecommunications Act was passed-the book includes information about the changes made to information programming on the network. Craig asserts that despite the overwhelming presence of African Americans holding executive positions with the network, Viacom, BET's current owner, influences the network's programming and relegates the cultural identity of the network to profit interests. BET is observed as a case study reflective of the importance ethnic media and perspectives reflective of cultural ethnic identities, targeting ethnic audiences. African Americans and Mass Media chronicles the significance of ethnic media, drawing particular attention to African American media in the United States, and advocates for increased communication policy development bolstering minority ownership.
Chapter 1: Addressing the Problem: Low Ownership Diversity of Broadcast and Cable Media
Chapter 2: Blacka Entertainment Television: From African American Ownership to Conglomerate Subordinate
Chapter 3: Media Regulation and Diversity: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 Diffuses Diversity of Ownership and Content
Chapter 4: Political Economy: Understanding Social Change and Historical Transformation
Chapter 5: Ethnic Media Centers of Symbolic Power
Chapter 1: Addressing the Problem: Low Ownership Diversity of Broadcast and Cable Media Chapter 2: "Black" Entertainment Television: From African American Ownership to Conglomerate Subordinate Chapter 3: Media Regulation and Diversity: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 Diffuses Diversity of Ownership and Content Chapter 4: Political Economy: Understanding Social Change and Historical Transformation Chapter 5: Ethnic Media Centers of Symbolic Power
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