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Celebrate Your Seasons

Inspirational Devotions to Progress in Love and Grace
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Go. Grow. Through the seasons you are seasoned, attentive to God's inherent timing and intended purpose for you at every stage and episode in life. Obstacles give way to opportunities and hindrances to heights, as you surrender your ways to a life of completion with a realization that it is the journey that matters at the finish. Experience life fully as it unfolds. Add depth to life. Value giving over getting, humbleness over pride, and being over doing. Celebrate Your Seasons. There is a season for everything. This is your time.
Chapter 1 Foreword Chapter 2 Preface Chapter 3 Acknowledgments Chapter 4 Introduction Chapter 5 God's Faithfulness Throughout the Seasons Chapter 6 Seek Purpose: A Time to be Born and a Time to Die Chapter 7 Sow and Reap: A Time to Plant and a Time to Uproot Chapter 8 Restore to Health: A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal Chapter 9 Encourage: A Time to Tear Down and a Time to Build Chapter 10 Freshen Up: A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh Chapter 11 Clebrate Passion: A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance Chapter 12 Thought, Word, Deed: A Time to Scatter Stones and a Time to Gather Them Chapter 13 Forgiveness and Acceptance: A Time to Embrace and a Time to Refrain Chapter 14 Exalt, Glorify, Praise: A Time to Search and a Time to Give Up Chapter 15 Give and Receive; Bless and Be Blessed: A Time to Keep and a Time to Throw Away Chapter 16 Broken but Willing - Reduce and Grow: A Time to Tear and a Time to Mend Chapter 17 Aspire To Inspire: A Time to be Silent and a Time to Speak Chapter 18 Love and Be Loved: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate Chapter 19 Seasons: A Time for War and a Time for Peace Chapter 20 The Prayer Chapter 21 Notes Chapter 22 Appendix
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