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Humanity at the Crossroads

Technological Progress, Spiritual Evolution, and the Dawn of the Nucle
  • ISBN-13: 9780761865612
  • By Garth J. Hallett
  • Price: AUD $63.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/08/2015
  • Format: Paperback 222 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Philosophy [HP]
Table of
Humanity now stands at a crossroads between a world of unimaginable wonders and one of unprecedented terrors. The choices we make now will determine not only the shape of our future, but whether there will be, for us as a species, a future at all. But, if we are at such a crossroads, are we even properly aware of it? Governed by instincts rooted in the past, are we prepared to see what we need to see, to do what we need to do? As technology evolves, so must we; but how and in what direction? Are we unavoidably fated to trade liberty for security in ridding the world of terror and war? Humanity at the Crossroads attempts to answer all of these critical questions, while opening the dialogue for further debate. It arrives, in the process, at the startling conclusion that the very technology which threatens to destroy us, not merely its more favorable offshoots, is itself the catalyst for that better world we may yet hope to inhabit.
Acknowledgments Dedication Introduction Part I: Old Endings and New Beginnings Chapter 1: The Turning Point Chapter 2: The Hinge of Paradox Chapter 3: Beyond the Turning Point Chapter 4: Out of Division and Darkness Chapter 5: Into Unity and Light Chapter 6: The New World on the Horizon Chapter 7: The Law of the Jungle and the Return to Eden Chapter 8: How We Perceive the World Chapter 9: When the Past Resists the Future Chapter 10: Projections and Conclusions Part II: Challenges Along the Way Chapter 11: Problems of Perception and the Transfer of Knowledge Chapter 12: The Problem of Selfish Individualism Chapter 13: The Problem of Accelerating Change Chapter 14: Problems with the Commercial Culture Chapter 15: The Problem of the Larger Context Chapter 16: The Issue of Collective Goods and "Bads" Chapter 17: The Problem of Basic Need Chapter 18: The Problem of Malignant Nationalism Conclusions Bibliography
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