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Sexual Essays

Gender, Desire, and Nakedness
  • ISBN-13: 9780761868897
  • By James Giles
  • Price: AUD $73.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/01/2018
  • Format: Paperback 148 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Sociology [JHB]
Table of
Sexuality is a basic feature of human life. Gender, sexual and romantic attraction, sexual excitement, and sexual desire and fantasies all move in various degrees through our daily awareness. However, despite this pervasiveness, there is much disagreement surrounding the nature of such things and experiences. This book explores just these issues in an attempt to get clear about this enigmatic aspect of our existence. Through a series of interrelated essays, internationally acclaimed philosopher James Giles takes the reader on a fascinating journey to the depths of experiential, social, biological, and evolutionary aspects of sexual life. Presenting his arguments and ideas in a clear and easy to follow language, Giles criticizes several popular views, clearing the way for his own unique vision of human sexuality. Often controversial, always engaging, these pages will prove to be absorbing reading for anyone who has ever pondered the nature of sexuality and why it fills our lives in the way it does.
Preface 1.The Meaning of "Gender" 2.The Erotic Meanings of the Sexual Positions 3.Sex Hormones and Sexual Desire 4.Social Constructionism and Sexual Desire 5.Gilbert Herdt on Sambia Sexual Culture 6.No Such Thing as Excessive Levels of Sexual Behaviour 7.Age Dysphoria and Sexual Desire: A Case Study 8.Naked Love: The Evolution of Human Hairlessness References Index
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