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Starting with Whitehead

Raising Children to Thrive in Treacherous Times
  • ISBN-13: 9780761873365
  • By Lynn Sargent de Jonghe
  • Price: AUD $163.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 01/08/2022
  • Format: Hardback 306 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Philosophy [HP]
Parents and teachers want to give children the best opportunities for success in life. But opinions may vary vehemently about the methods for accomplishing these aims. Starting with Whitehead begins with the premise that today's children will need skills and values to live in a world of fast-paced, turbulent change: creativity, problem solving ability, attitudes of life-long learning, emotional resilience, and appreciation of different perspectives. As we seek guidance on these issues, we are led to the work of Alfred North Whitehead, who brilliantly perceived that the process of change itself is fundamental to our existence, how we experience ourselves and others, and how we interact with the world around us. In his classic work, The Aims of Education, he elaborated a three-stage process of learning, involving romance, precision and generalization. His vision of education calls for exploring real experiences rather than packing scraps of information into passive students. This book offers examples of learning events at each stage that illustrate how adults can help children thrive in a world of change, based on the author's experience working with children as a parent, teacher, principal and policy maker. Drawing on seminal psychological and educational research, De Jonghe sets these events in the context of a vigorous theoretical foundation and proposes specific strategies for success. Her recommendations have relevance for parents, teachers, principals, and policy makers.
Lynn De Jonghe is a member of the Philosophy of Education Society and The Center for Process Studies.
The literature on educational change can be divided into two camps. One camp focuses on big, broad ideas and visions for schools while the other is more practical, emphasizing instructional improvement and effective teaching. Finally, Lynn De Jonghe has bridged this gap, providing both a broad vision for schools based on the work of Alfred Whitehead, and practical guidance about what those big ideas might look like in real schools. An important and compelling contribution.--Kevin Fahey, Salem State University We have long known that the education of our children is critically important. Drawing on the revolutionary process-relational philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and her years of experience, De Jonghe has written a book that helps us understand how best to educate people in an interconnected and ever-changing world and, just as importantly, how to put this understanding into practice.--Marcus Ford, Professor Emeritus, Northern Arizona University, Co-founder Flagstaff College
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