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Jesus and Community

The Social Dimensions of Christian Faith
  • ISBN-13: 9780800618025
  • Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
  • By Gerhard Lohfink, Translated by John P. Galvin
  • Price: AUD $73.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 30/11/1984
  • Format: Paperback (216.00mm X 137.00mm) 224 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Biblical commentaries [HRCG1]
Table of
The author calls the present-day church to once again be the "contrast society," which attracts non-believers by living what it preaches and by being different without being narrowly sectarian.
Gerhard Lohfink has been Ordinarious Professor for the New Testament on the Catholic Theological Faculty at the University of Tubingen in Germany since 1976. John P. Galvin is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Chair of the Department of Theology at Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
Translator's Preface Preface Introduction: The Heritage of Individualism I. Jesus and Israel 1. The Preaching of the Baptist 2. The Institution of the Twelve 3. The Sick Members of the People of God 4. The Prayer for Gathering in the Our Father 5. The Pilgrimage of the Nations 6. The Crisis of Israel 7. Death for the Many 8. The Reign of God and the People of God II: Jesus and His Disciples 1. The Circle of Disciples 2. The Sermon on the Mount 3. The New Family 4. The End of the Fathers 5. The Renunciation of Violence 6. The Light Burden 7. The City on the Hill 8. Jesus' Will for Community III: The New Testament Communities in the Discipleship of Jesus 1. The Church as the People of God 2. The Presence of the Spirit 3. The Elimination of Social Barriers 4. The Praxis of "Togetherness" 5. Brotherly Love 6. The Renunciation of Domination 7. The Church as Contrast-Society 8. The Sign for the Nations IV: The Ancient Church in the Discipleship of Jesus 1. The People from the Peoples 2. The Religion of Healing 3. Christian Fraternity 4. God's Contrast-Society 5. The Christian Refusal 6. The Church and War 7. The Fulfillment of Isaiah 2 8. The Confirmation of Truth through Praxis Postscript: The Heritage of Augustine Abbreviations Notes Bibliography Index
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