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The New Testament

A Thematic Introduction
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This book reflects J. Christiaan Beker's experience of more than twenty years of teaching and introductory courses in New Testament. In distinction from a history-of-religions approach, he aims at allowing the theological thrust of the New Testament to become transparent for today's readers. The work pre-supposes the normative and canonical claim of the New Testament for all forms of Christian theology. Beker concentrates on some of the most central issues within the New Testament by surveying sixteen of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. A chronological sequence is followed, beginning with Paul's letters.
J. Christiaan Beker was for thirty years the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary; he died in 1999. Among his books from Fortress Press are the critically acclaimed Paul the Apostle (1980), The Triumph of God (1990), and The New Testament: A Thematic Introduction (1994).
Introduction Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians Paul's Letter to the Galatians Pual's Letter to the Romans The Pastoral Epistles The Letter to the Ephesians Jesus and Human Fulfillment The Gospel according to Mark The Gospel according to Matthew The Gospel according to Luke and the Book of Acts The Gospel according to John The Epistle to the Hebrews The First Letter of Peter The Book of Revelation Unity and Diversity in the New Testament Bibliography Index of Modern Authors Index of Biblical References
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