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Ending Hunger Now

A Challenge to Persons of Faith
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"Ending Hunger Now" brings together three powerful voices behind a shared conviction: that helping the millions who lack basic provision for food has become a religious imperative and human priority. Writing for congregations and individuals of faith, McGovern, Dole, and Messer appeal to the religious ethical foundations for action against hunger. Informative, inspiring, and filled with practical personal involvement and political commitment to the cause.
George S McGovern is a former US senator from South Dakota, 1972 presidential candidate and now UN ambassador on issues of hunger. Bob Dole is former US senator from Kansas and 1988 presidential candidate. He has worked with Senator McGovern on food-related initiatives, both national and international. Donald E Messer is Henry White Warren Professor of Practical Theology and director of the Centre for Global Pastoral Ministries at Iliff School of Theology, Denver. His latest book is Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence: Christian Churches and the Global AIDS crisis, from Fortress Press.
Foreword by Bill Clinton Introduction by Donald E. Messer The New Urgency of an Old Challenge Donald E. Messer Ending World Hunger: A Battle We Can Win George McGovern A Commitment to Ending Global Hunger Bob Dole Making Hunger History: A Trialogue George McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald E. Messer More Than Random Acts of Kindness Donald E. Messer Notes Topical Index Scriptural Index
"Ending Hunger Now is a book that must be read and discussed in every church, synagogue and mosque in this country at a time when so many feel so powerless to make a difference in ending hunger." -- The Right Reverend John Bryson Chane "Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C."
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