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The crown jewel of Bonhoeffer's body of work, Ethics is the culmination of his theological and personal odyssey. Based on careful reconstruction of the manuscripts, freshly and expertly translated and annotated, this new critical edition features an insightful Introduction by Clifford Green and an Afterword from the German edition's editors. Though caught up in the vortex of momentous forces in the Nazi period, Bonhoeffer systematically envisioned a radically Christocentric, incarnational ethic for a post-war world, purposefully recasting Christians' relation to history, politics, and public life. This edition allows scholars, theologians, ethicists, and serious Christians to appreciate the cogency and relevance of Bonhoeffer's vision.
Charles C. West has been a missionary in China, associate director of the Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches, and a seminary professor. He is currently professor emeritus of Christian ethics at Princeton Theological Seminary.
"All students of Bonhoeffer will relish this new translation and expanded edition of his indispensable Ethics. The power of Bonhoeffer's word shines more brightly than ever." -- Jean Bethke Elshtain "University of Chicago"
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