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Reading Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan:

A Cross-Cultural History of Autodidacticism
  • ISBN-13: 9780801897399
  • By Avner Ben-Zaken
  • Price: AUD $141.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 16/03/2011
  • Format: Hardback 208 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: History of science [PDX]
Table of
Commonly translated as ''The Self—Taught Philosopher'' or ''The Improvement of Human Reason,'' Ibn—Tufayl's story Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan inspired debates about autodidacticism in a range of historical fields from classical Islamic philosophy through Renaissance humanism and the European Enlightenment. Avner Ben—Zaken's account of how the text traveled demonstrates the intricate ways in which autodidacticism was contested in and adapted to diverse cultural settings.In tracing the circulation of the Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan, Ben—Zaken highlights its key place in four far—removed historical moments. He explains how autodidacticism intertwined with struggles over mysticism in twelfth—century Marrakesh, controversies about pedagogy in fourteenth—century Barcelona, quarrels concerning astrology in Renaissance Florence, and debates pertaining to experimentalism in seventeenth—century Oxford. In each site and period, Ben—Zaken recaptures the cultural context that stirred scholars to relate to Hayy Ibn-Yaqzan and demonstrates how the text moved among cultures, leaving in its wake translations, interpretations, and controversies as various as the societies themselves. Pleas for autodidacticism, Ben—Zaken shows, not only echoed within close philosophical discussions; they surfaced in struggles for control between individuals and establishments. Presented as self—contained histories, these four moments together form a historical collage of autodidacticism across cultures from the late Medieval era to early modern times. The first book—length intellectual history of autodidacticism, this novel, thought—provoking work will interest a wide range of historians, including scholars of the history of science, philosophy, literature, Europe, and the Middle East.

Introduction: The Pursuit of the Natural Self
1. Taming the Mystic: Marrakesh, 1160s
2. Climbing the Ladder of Philosophy: Barcelona, 1348
3. Defying Authority, Denying Predestination, and Conquering Nature: Florence, 1493
4. Employing the Self and Experimenting with Nature: Oxford, 1671
Conclusion: Sampling the History of Autodidacticism
Essay on Sources

""This whirlwind tour through five centuries does an immense amount of work in presenting of both the text itself and four contexts of reception. Ben-Zaken's patient 'de-layering' of each generation's use of the text uncovers new readings of all-contexts GÇô the original work and of its repeated translations.""

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