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The Jonah Factor

Thirteen Spiritual Steps to Finding the Job of a Lifetime
  • ISBN-13: 9780806656175
  • Publisher: 1517 MEDIA
  • By Ed Klodt
  • Price: AUD $36.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 26/06/2006
  • Format: Paperback (229.00mm X 152.00mm) 192 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Personal Christian testimony & inspirational works[HRCV9]
Table of
This is a step-by-step guide to help Christians discover God's plan for them and their work. It includes a unique 13-step process which uses a combination of spiritual discovery, an inventory of talents and abilities and partnership with a church or congregation. It includes over 500 scriptural quotes, references and insights. It helps Christians find their true vocation through spiritual self-discovery.
Ed Klodt is editor and publisher of Digging Deeper, a syndicated publication of daily devotions distributed throughout the USA. A popular speaker at a variety of churches, retreats and seminars. Ed has been a lay minister and adult education instructor for sixteen years at Ascension Lutheran Church in California, USA.
Introduction Part One: Working in the 21st Century The Perfect Storm The Real Purpose of Work Part Two: Jonah at the Workplace Meet Jonah Part Three: The Quest for Significance Desperation in the Midst of Abundance Discovering God's Purpose in Our Work Part Four: The Jonah Factor What is The Jonah Factor 13 Steps to Finding the Job of a Lifetime Leap-of-Faith Fears Part Five: Encouragements Countless Blessings Part Six: Tailoring The Jonah Factor For the Less Traditional Career Five Deadly Excuses A Benediction It's Your Turn Acknowledgements
..." provides keen insights into the work that God intends for each of us and a unique process to help us discover what God is calling us to do." -- Wink Martindale, host of TBN's "Beyond the Game" "Ed Klodt has nailed it. The largest issue of concern for any wage earner is a sense of fulfillment and being in the right place. -- Larry Kreider, President, The Gathering, USA "Imprisoned by a job you hate? You hold in your hands a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card!" -- David Murrow, author of Why Men Hate Going to Church "Martin Luther taught us about 'vocation', Rick Warren touched a cultural nerve by addressing 'Purpose', now Ed Klodt integrates vocation and purpose as he addresses the struggles and potential blessings in our occupational search for meaning." -- Howie Wennes, Interim President, California Lutheran University
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