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Singing in Brazilian Portuguese

A Guide to Lyric Diction and Vocal Repertoire
  • ISBN-13: 9780810889026
  • By Marcia Porter
  • Price: AUD $150.00
  • Stock: 1 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 14/06/2017
  • Format: Paperback (100.00mm X 100.00mm) 352 pages Weight: 560g
  • Categories: Music [AV]
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Access audio files at: While popular forms of Brazilian music include bossa nova and samba, Brazil also has a rich classical music tradition dating back to the 1500s that exhibits a unique and diverse amalgamation of many styles and influences including African, Italian, French, and indigenous. Singing in Brazilian Portuguese: A Guide to Lyric Diction and Vocal Repertoire makes Brazilian modinhas and cancoes accessible to singers through an overview of the history of the language and music, brief biographies of major composers, and a sampling of selected texts transliterated into the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Part I introduces the alphabet and pronunciation of sounds through IPA and is enhanced by online audio recordings of native Brazilian classical singers. Marcia D. Porter covers such topics as oral and nasal vowels, diagraphs, onset and final consonants, word stress, and syllabification. It also includes an overview of the newly implemented Acordo Ortografico. Part II provides IPA transliterations and both word-for-word and poetic translations of representative songs, including Villa-Lobos's Bachianas brasileiras, no. 5. The book also offers a brief overview of the history of Brazilian vocal music and biographical sketches of select major composers from various periods. Singing in Brazilian Portuguese is the first resource of its kind geared toward singers, voice teachers, vocal coaches, collaborative pianists, and others who are interested in exploring, teaching, and performing this beautiful and exciting repertoire.
Part One: Introduction to the Sounds Syllabification and Word Stress As vogais: The Vowels As consoantes: The Consonants Word Linkage Part Two: The Italian School: Nunes Garcia and Gomes Cancoes in the Nineteenth Century: The Rise of Nationalism Heitor Villa-Lobos The Second Generation of Nationalists Twentieth Century and Beyond
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