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Understanding Lung Cancer

An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers
  • ISBN-13: 9780810895966
  • By Naheed Ali
  • Price: AUD $81.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/01/2018
  • Format: Paperback 382 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Cardiovascular medicine [MJD]
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Cancer of any kind is scary, but lung cancer is unique in that most people think that only people who smoke can or do get it. The truth is that anyone can get lung cancer, and it can be deadly. In 2008 (the most recent year numbers are available), 208,493 people in the United States were diagnosed with lung cancer, while 158,592 people in the United States died from lung cancer. Here, Dr. Naheed Ali dispels the notion that only smokers develop lung cancer, but also goes over their increased risk for getting the disease, while also considering the risk factors that non-smokers face. He provides background and tips for combating lung cancer, from prevention, to treatment, to coping with the disease should a person fall victim. In typical fashion, Ali helps readers to understand what lung cancer is, how it develops, its different forms, and how both patients and caregivers can approach healing and treatment. Offering a clear background on the disease and its development, this work will help lung cancer sufferers and their friends and family better cope with and understand the diagnosis.
Preface I: GROUNDWORK 1 Introduction to the Lung Cell 2 Lung Cell Health versus Lung Cell Disorder 3 Real Meaning and Anatomy of Lung Cancer 4 History of Lung Cancer II: CLINICAL PICTURE 5 Causes and Risk Factors of Lung Cancer 6 Pathology of Lung Cancer 7 Lung Cancer Screening and Diagnostics 8 Outpatient and Inpatient Experiences III: MANY FACES OF LUNG CANCER 9 Squamous Cell Carcinomas and Bronchioalveolar Carcinomas 10 Undifferentiated Carcinomas and Adenocarcinomas of the Lung 11 Oat Cell Carcinomas and Combined Small Cell Carcinomas 12 Other Manifestations of Lung Cancer IV: RESOLUTIONS 13 Initial Approaches to Lung Cancer 14 Natural and Nonpharmacological Lung Cancer Approaches 15 Pharmacological Lung Cancer Approaches 16 Addressing the Mental Aspects of Lung Cancer V: HOMESTRETCH 17 Lung Cancer at Home 18 Finding Motivation as a Lung Cancer Patient 19 Prevention and Collective Efforts 20 Conclusion Appendix A: Lung Cancer-Related Links Appendix B: Research and Training Appendix C: Lung Cancer-Related Organizations Appendix D: Nationally Recognized Lung Cancer Clinics Appendix E: For Further Reading Notes Glossary Bibliography Index About the Author
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