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The Life of Union General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
  • ISBN-13: 9780811736893
  • Publisher: STACKPOLE BOOKS (NBN)
  • By Samuel Martin
  • Price: AUD $50.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 13/02/2018
  • Format: Paperback (232.00mm X 149.00mm) 326 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: American Civil War [HBWJ]
This is a biography of an antihero, Samuel Martin writes in his prologue. Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was one of the most notorious scoundrels in the Union army. He lied, thieved, and whored his way through the Civil War, yet managed to attain the stars of a major general. But despite his faults-or perhaps because of them-he is a fascinating character. Description from Amazon: Nicknamed "Kill-Cavalry" because of the unusually high casualty rate among his men, cavalry commander Hugh Judson Kilpatrick was also the most notorious scoundrel in the Union army. Kilpatrick lied, thieved, and whored his way through the Civil War, yet managed to attain the stars of a major general. But despite his faults-or perhaps because of them-he is a fascinating character. This exceptionally well-researched biography (all the more remarkable given that Kilpatrick's daughter destroyed all her father's papers after his death) profiles one of the most interesting soldiers to ever wear Union blue.
Samuel J. Martin has been researching and writing about the Civil War for more than fifteen years. He has published several articles in Civil War Times Illustrated, The Kepi, and Virginia Country. His first book, The Life of Confederate General Richard S
"Martin's commendable research has produced twenty-five well-written chapters with pithy endnotes and a solid bibliography. This is an overdue addition to Civil War historiography." -Ervin L. Jordan, Jr. in The Journal of Southern History--Ervin L. Jordan Jr. "This is an engaging biography of a soldier who, for the most part, bluffed his way through the war and left a legacy that is still regarded as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the Civil War." - David Dixon, in Civil War History--David Dixon
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