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9780811770804 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

Pacific Coast Flies & Fly Fishing

A Comprehensive Guide to Tying and Fishing Over 60 Patterns
  • ISBN-13: 9780811770804
  • By Scott Sadil
  • Price: AUD $70.99
  • Stock: 5 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 21/04/2023
  • Format: Paperback (279.00mm X 216.00mm) 248 pages Weight: 800g
  • Categories: Fishing, angling [WSXF]
From Alaska to the tip of the Baja California peninsula, Pacific Coast fly fishers enjoy a wealth of angling opportunities that have inspired their own selections of new and traditional fly patterns. For the first time in the sport's history, Scott Sadil offers a lineup of proven patterns to take advantage of the region's unsurpassed reach of flyrod prey: trout, salmon, steelhead, and both the inshore and bluewater species along the east and west coasts of the Baja peninsula. Pacific Coast Flies & Flyfishing champions the fly patterns and fly-fishing adventure unique to these waters. This book includes over 70 fly patterns, instructions for tying each pattern, and an image of the completed fly. An introductory essay for each fly describes the development of the fly, the fishing situations in which it's typically used, the angling problems it might solve, plus the fly's historical antecedents. The patterns are divided equally between flies used for trout, flies used for salmon and steelhead, and flies tied specifically for saltwater species. To date there has never been a single book that embraces the wealth of flies and fly-fishing adventure available to Pacific Coast anglers. Over the past three decades, author Scott Sadil has written more than any other writer about the full range of the region's angling opportunities. His well-known work stands at the center of the Pacific Coast fly fishing community, one of the largest in the world today.
Scott Sadil grew up fishing and surfing in Southern California and is an author of essays, feature articles, and fiction about fly fishing. His work appears regularly in the significant fly-fishing magazines, he is the fishing editor for Gray's Sporting Journal, and he writes the fly-tying column for California Fly Fisher. He is the author of Angling Baja, Fly Tales, Cast from the Edge, Lost in Wyoming, and Goodnews River. He lives in Hood River, Oregon.
The last time I fished for steelhead with Scott Sadil, he was supposed to be ensconced at an artists' retreat, but instead he drove up the coast to meet me on a river for a few days. He wasn't playing hooky; he'd announced to his fellow inmates that while they were navel-gazing in their secluded cabins, he'd be off researching a story. I always wondered what those artistic types thought of a writer with an actual job to do. I've fished with Scott enough to know him to be a good fisherman. And I've read his work, so I also know him to be the kind of honest writer who'll say he aspires to be the kind of cagey angler who fishes with nothing but an Adams and a Hare's Ear, only to admit, a paragraph or two later, that the boxes and boxes of flies he does carry amount to "a redundancy of insecurities:" a statement that rings true for any fisherman and cuts neatly through the endless theoretical blather about flies. Which is to say, there are lots of fly pattern books, but this is one of the good ones. -- John Gierach I've fished with Scott, seen his passion for the places, for the casting, for the fish. I've admired Scott's understanding of the flies, his wonderful work at the vise. Perhaps most important, I've read him for many years, been envious of his way with words. I'm always amazed. -- Dave Hughes, author of Wet Flies Sadil deftly performs a high-wire act, admitting right off that successful fly fishing owes less to the specific fly than to how you fish that fly, and then he fills a book with fresh insights into fly-fishing and -tying that even the most jaded graybeard will treasure. -- James R. Babb, editor emeritus, Gray's Sporting Journal, and author of Fish Won't Let Me Sleep Combine decades of experience on the water with a talent for observation, an abiding curiosity, and a streak of skepticism, and you have Scott Sadil. He seeks flies that will attract hits, and whether the patterns are spanking new or centuries old, he lets you know why they work, particularly for Pacific Coast fisheries. His is good, thoughtful advice. -- Richard Anderson, California Fly Fisher magazine
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