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Female Sexual Slavery

"A powerful work filled with disbelief, outrage, and documentation...sexual bondage shackles women as much today as it has for centures." Los Angeles Times "Exposes the dark side of sexuality and dares to ask the crucial question, 'why do men do these things to women?'...the issues it raises deserve nationwide attention." Susan Brownmiller "Kathy Barry has written a courageous, crusading book that should be read everywhere, from the local District Attorney's office to the United Nations." Gloria Steinem "This powerful and compassionate book should be read by anyone concerned with social values, with sexuality, with psychology female and male." Adrienne Rich
Kathleen Barry, feminist, activist, and sociologist, is Professor Emerita at Penn State University. Author of six books, she launched her global feminist activism with her first book, Female Sexual Slavery. She conducts feminist workshops on consciousness-raising and builds feminist activism against sexual exploitation and assault.
"A powerful work filled with disbelief, outrage, and documentation...sexual bondage shackles women as much today as it has for centures." --Los Angeles Times "Exposes the dark side of sexuality and dares to ask the crucial question, 'why do men do these things to women?'...the issues it raises deserve nationwide attention." --Susan Brownmiller "Kathy Barry has written a courageous, crusading book that should be read everywhere, from the local District Attorney's office to the United Nations." --Gloria Steinem "This powerful and compassionate book should be read by anyone concerned with social values, with sexuality, with psychology -- female and male." --Adrienne Rich
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