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Introducing Psychological Research

Sixty Studies That Shape Psychology
Students of psychology have long faced the problem of tracking down original research articles, which are generally scattered in hard-to-find journals or presented in watered-down form in text books. In Introducing Psychological Research, Philip Banyard and Andrew Grayson have resolved this dilemma once and for all by providing detailed summaries and background information for sixty-three of the most influential studies in psychology. The studies included in this remarkable reference illustrate the breadth of psychological research covering the areas of biological psychology, comparative psychology, social psychology, human diversity, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and health psychology. Among the ground- breaking trials highlighted are Piaget's cognitive approach; the jigsaw technique; the prison simulation; the Robbers' Cave; and the Minimal Group Studies. Contributors to this collection include Stanley Milgram, Philip Zimbardo, Henry Tajfel, B. F. Skinner, Niko Tinbergen, Sandra Bem, Carol Gilligan, Sigmund Freud, and Albert Bandura.
Philip Banyard is an Associate Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Nottingham Trent University. Andrew Grayson is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Nottingham Trent University.
"[A] comprehensive, factually-supported, and carefully reasoned book in a manner worthy of academic interest. At the same time, [Colker] writes in a plain style free of academic jargon and returns consistently to the human-interest arena of practical ramifications." -"New York Law Journal", "Colker's book provides a comprehensive review of the ADA's history and a thorough analysis of how effective it has been in vindicating the rights of the disabled. She does not paint a pretty picture, but it is an accurate, empirically based assessment." -"Trial", "Ruth Colker's book is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in disability rights. Colker has long been one of the most astute observers of the development of disability rights in the courts. This book lays out the compelling story of what the ADA was intended to do and what the courts have done to the ADA. The book is both inspiring and sobering." -Chai Feldblum, Georgetown University Law Center "The Disability Pendulum chronicles societal views and court reactions to the evolving ADA. Ruth Colker shows that public acceptance and inclusion of persons with disabilities into society is as much driven by attitudes about disability as by law and policy themselves. Colker offers an enriched and fresh analysis of the forces affecting the civil rights movement of persons with disabilities in American society." -Peter Blank, Charles M. and Marion Kierscht Professor of Law and Director, Law, Health Policy & Disability Center, University of Iowa College of Law "This book is must reading for teachers, school administrators, parents, vocational rehabilitation counselors, disability rights lawyers, and Deaf Community leaders who hope to help take the citizen ship interests of deaf and hard-of-hearing people to the next level. The book helps these constituencies make the essential connections between raising and educating deaf children and the rights and opportunities those children hope to enjoy." -"Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education",
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