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Political Sociology

A Critical Introduction
What is the relationship between the state and civil society? Which institutions truly wield power in the modern world? Kaith Faulks tackles these questions as he introduces key conceptual debates and approaches in contemporary political sociology. Important and topical issues including globalization, the rise of new social movements, neo-liberalism, citizenship, political culture and political participation are explored alongside critiques of key sociologists such as Giddens, Beck and Etzioni. This is an introduction to the key processes that are changing the nature of politics and society in the modern world. The focus is on clarity, accessibility and the needs of the student: boxes and charts are used to highlight key facts and figures, and a guide to further reading is included to encourage further exploration of this subject.
KEITH FAULKS is Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Central Lancashire.
"Present-day American radio--both public and commercial--has, with its blandness, hidden the bodies of hundreds of idealists who tried to make it meaningful and interesting and alive. Whether it's micro radio, pirate radio, the Citizens Band, or Pacifica, Jesse Walker has done his homework, digging up often funny tales of strange characters who tried, in one way or another, to better the airwaves."-Lorenzo W. Milam, author of "Sex and Broadcasting and the Radio Papers" "Rebels on the Air is a joyous, smart, lucid, hilarious, critical and engaging celebration of community based, non-commercial radio in the United States. Jesse Walker vividly captures the people, their visions and achievements, their friends and enemiesall in a book that is great fun to read."-Matthew Lasar, author of "Pacifica Radio: The Rise of an Alternative Network" "The book is a great addition to the literature of the ways in which the state uses regulatory edicts and strong-arm tactics to stifle people's freedom."-George C. Leef, "Freedom Daily" "Throughout "Rebels on the Air: An Alternative History of Radio in America", Walker surveys the current state of radio and finds it wanting."-"Chronicles", "Without a doubt, this is the most detailed and well-researched book ever published on the history of free radio in America. This includes the most comprehensive history ever written on the modern microradio movement; culled from personal interviews, the writing is mostly engaging and fast-paced...A must read."-"The About Guide",
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