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Rising Star

China's New Security Diplomacy and Its Implications for the United State
China's diplomatic strategy has changed dramatically since the mid-1990s, creating both challenges and opportunities for the United States. U.S. policymakers have only just begun to comprehend these critical changes, however, and all too often their China policy has been incoherent. In Rising Star , Bates Gill points the way out of this morass. Based on a comprehensive and far-reaching analysis of the transformation in China's security diplomacy, he persuasively makes the case for a more nuanced and focused policy toward Beijing. Over the past decade, China's approach to regional and global security affairs has become more proactive, practical, and constructive. This trend favors U.S. interests in many ways. Yet China's new strategy has also bolstered its international influence and may enhance its ability to resolve thorny issues -such as Taiwan's future -on its own terms. In exploring these dynamics, s ing Star fof ocuses on Chinese policy in three areas - regional security mechanisms, nonproliferation and arms control, and questions of sovereignty and intervention. The concluding chapter analyzes U.S.-China relations and offers specific recommendations toward a framework that emphasizes what the two countries have in common, rather than what divides them. Today, China's rise presents the international community with a tremendous challenge. Successfully managing this transition will require informed realism, astute management, and nimble diplomacy. Timely and vital, Rising Star offers essential guidance to policymakers approaching this task, and provides insightful understanding for all those interested in Chinese foreign policy both in the United States and around the world.
Bates Gill is the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Prior to joining CSIS, he served as inaugural director of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. A former holder of the Fei Yiming Chair in Comparative Politics at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Chinese and American Studies in Nanjing, China, Gill has also directed East Asia programs at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute. He is a coauthor of China the Balance Sheet: What the World Needs to Know about the Emerging Superpower (PublicAffairs, 2006).
"This is a significant book. It pulls together a comprehensive argument that only lies scattered in a multiplicity of other places. Gill's concluding policy recommendations are balanced and sound, and those germane to a strategic nuclear dialogue with China are especially important." --David M. Lampton, Director of China Studies, Johns Hopkins-SAIS
"This is an impressive volume. It offers a comprehensive and far-reaching analysis of the revolution in China's diplomatic behavior over the past decade." -Robert Ross, Boston College, coauthor of GREAT WALL AND EMPTY FORTRESS |"[An] important new book." - The Nation, 11/5/2007 |"Readers will find strong arguments for greater awareness of the new security outlook in China....Rising Star is certainly a work for the bookshelves of imaginative officers worldwide." -Edward B. Atkeson, Army, 9/1/2007 |"For advanced students and scholars concerned about the future of Sino-American relations, this is an important intellectual contribution. Highly recommended." - CHOICE, 8/1/2007 |"This is a significant book. It pulls together a comprehensive argument that only lies scattered in a multiplicity of other places. Gill's concluding policy recommendations are balanced and sound, and those germane to a strategic nuclear dialogue with China are especially important." -David M. Lampton, Director of China Studies, Johns Hopkins-SAIS |"The argument of this well-researched and useful volume is that since the middle of the last decade, Beijing's foreign and security policy have shifted away from previous unilateralism toward cooperation, consultation and the playing of a responsible and constructive role with respect to areas ranging from regional security to nuclear proliferation." -Arthur Waldron, Far East Economic Review Forum |"This is a scholarly, balanced and deeply researched book which makes a valuable contribution to an understanding of China's grand strategy and of how the new security diplomacy works in practice. It reads easily and deserves a wide readership not just among specialists but by generalists with foreign policy interests or involvement." -Stuart Harris, The China Journal |"Prominent Washington-based China specialist Bates Gill has applied his expertise in contemporary Chinese international security policy to fill what he sees as a gap in book-length studies of recent Chinese foreign and security policy. This important study is clearly organized, well written, and well documented; it is sure to be read widely." -Marc Lanteigne, University of St. Andrews, Journal of Asian Studies |"Gill's Rising Star offers an in-depth and timely illustration of China's evolving foreign policy and a careful description of challenges and opportunities. It also contains critical recommendations which, if heeded in Beijing and Western capitals, could lower the risks of misunderstanding and miscalculations over 'China's rise.'" -Christian Constantin, University of British Columbia, Pacific Affairs |"Drawing on author's own observations and through studies of primary sources, Rising Star is a timely analysis of important changes in Beijing's foreign policy....I feel that this book is an important contribution to our understanding of Beijing's security diplomacy in the age of China's rise. The book can be not only a helpful reference for China scholars and researchers, but also a useful textbook for graduate students." -Sheng Ding, Bloomsburg University, Journal of Chinese Political Science |"Bates Gill has written a clear and updated study of China's 'new security diplomacy' and the ways in which Chinese security thinking has changed in recent years." - Survival
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