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Actor Succeeds

Tips, Secrets and Advice on Auditioning, Connecting, Coping and Thriving
  • ISBN-13: 9780879108885
    Imprint: APPLAUSE
  • By Boze Hadleigh
  • Price: AUD $40.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 20/07/2014
  • Format: Paperback (229.00mm X 152.00mm) 256 pages Weight: 318g
  • Categories: Acting techniques [ANC]
An Actor Succeeds is a very special collection containing all the best trade secrets of the biggest and most successful film and theatre professionals. Presented in an informative format, An Actor Succeeds is a useful yet entertaining how-to, tips-and-advice book comprising nearly 900 quotes mostly from actors but also directors, writers, casting directors, and more. The book is conveniently divided into five chapters: Acting, Auditioning, Connecting, Working, and Coping. Here's a sampling of quotes from each section: Acting: Of course we all learn that acting is basically reacting. The least acting you ever have to do is in a close-up. The close-up may require an actor's reaction, but a small, subtle one. Generally speaking, the less you 'act' in a close-up, the better. - Sir John Gielgud Working: Acting in front of a camera or a live audience requires intense concentration, to shut out the real world and create the character's reality. Focus is just as important for an actor as for a cinematographer. - Keira Knightley
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