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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Tony Bacon

The Les Paul Guitar Book
  • ISBN-13: 9780879309510
    Imprint: BACKBEAT
  • By Tony Bacon
  • Price: AUD $60.99
  • Stock: 8 in stock
  • Availability: Order will be despatched as soon as possible.
  • Local release date: 01/11/2009
  • Format: Paperback (279.00mm X 216.00mm) 176 pages Weight: 754g
  • Categories: Guitar [AVRL1]
Tony Bacon's definitive guide to Gibson's most famous guitar moves into its latest and most complete version yet with this new and thoroughly revised edition. Now with 16 extra pages and 45 new pictures, this timely and retitled update of "50 Years Of The Gibson Les Paul" (2002) tells the story of one of the greatest musical instruments of the 20th century - and one that is still holding centre-stage today. Gibson's Les Paul solid body electric guitar first appeared in the early 1950s, and since then it has always been easier to list the famous guitarists who have not used one at some point or another in their careers. This improved edition of the book features a complete history of the guitar and its players - from the original Goldtop, through the Fretless Wonder and the revered 1958-60 'Burst', and on to the reissues of today. "The Les Paul Guitar Book" is the most complete guide ever to Gibson's best-known guitar and a must-have for every player and collector.
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