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9780879754150 Add to Cart Academic Inspection Copy

A Second Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism

  • ISBN-13: 9780879754150
    Imprint: PROMETHEUS
  • Edited by Gordon Stein
  • Price: AUD $62.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 30/08/1987
  • Format: Hardback 442 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Agnosticism & atheism [HRQA5]
As the influence of religion increasingly insinuates itself into society, aided by media messages touting the personal and social advantages of Christian-defined moral virtues, the need to express well-developed criticism of religious propaganda and to support clearly-stated secular ideals assumes a new urgency. Freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, sceptics, and rationalists will rejoice to discover that Dr. Gordon Stein has returned to the rich history of free-thought to compile an impressive collection of powerful and thought-provoking atheist and rationalist literature.A superb complement to his first book, "An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism", "A Second Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism" features twenty essays and twenty-nine samples of atheist and rationalist verse by such masters as G.J. Holyoake, Robert Browning, John Keats, Annie Besant, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Hardy, and Charles Bradlaugh, to name but a few. Many of the essays and poems in this exceptional anthology have been out of print or nearly impossible to procure for over 100 years.
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