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UFO Abductions

Some say they have been abducted and subjected to terrifying physical examinations. Others claim that young children have been kidnapped and returned only after the removal of flesh samples. Still others allege that women have been kidnapped and impregnated, the unborn children later removed for a vast cross-breeding experiment. These crimes against humanity are not perpetuated by an international terrorist organisation. The 'abductees' assert that they have been kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings. UFO abduction claims have spawned a veritable cottage industry, providing the fodder for an explosion of magazine articles, television interviews, newspaper features, best-selling books, and movies. Somewhere beyond all the tumult lies the truth. Dedicated to 'those who will needlessly bear mental scars because of the foolish fantasies of a few', "UFO Abductions" lifts the shroud of mystery from the invisible epidemic of UFO abduction claims. Philip J Klass, an internationally recognised sceptical authority on the subject of UFO reports, traces the history of these claims, from the celebrated Betty and Barney Hill case in 1966 to the extraordinary tales which are surfacing today. His response to these claims and the answers he provides are both absorbing and factual - a fascinating glimpse into an American subculture obsessed with visitors from outer space.
Philip J. Klass has spent more than 30 years investigating UFOs. For nearly 35 years he was a senior editor for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, and for the last 11 years, he has been a contributing editor. Klass is the author of UFOs: The Public Deceived, UFO Abductions: A Dangerous Game, Bringing UFOs Down to Earth, and The Real Roswell Crashed-Saucer Coverup.
"... Klass does deflate, with very sensible investigative work, the most celebrated abduction cases, such as the Hills and the Travis Walton case, and he applies the same penetrating blade to Budd Hopkins' and Whitley Strieber's work. The criticism of the procedures of hypnotic regression and recovery of forgotten experiences is especially telling ..." - Inner Journeys
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