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Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong

A Guide for Young Thinkers
This captivating book affirms a child's ability to think, to seek information, and to question "why?" Children should be given information, not dogma, and tools for critical thought, not holy books, asserts Dan Barker. Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong teaches children important humanistic ideas. Andrea, the book's main character, distinguishes between rules and principles, finds that there is not always a "right" thing to do, and realizes that sometimes the "right" thing is to choose the lesser "wrong." Her most important insight: Regardless of one's own beliefs, you should respect everybody's human rights. Through Andrea, Barker painlessly teaches "situation ethics" to children. Maybe Right, Maybe Wrong doesn't speak down to kids, but uses simple language and fun illustrations to make a tough topic understandable.
Dan Barker, a former preacher, is copresident of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, cohost of Freethought Radio, and cofounder of The Clergy Project. After 19 years as an evangelical minister, Dan "saw the light" and announced his atheism in 1984. His first public appearance as an atheist was on Oprah Winfrey's "AM Chicago." He travels extensively, lecturing and performing on college campuses, and has participated in more than 120 public debates. Dan is also a jazz pianist and lives with his wife (and copresident) Annie Laurie Gaylor in Madison, Wisconsin. He is a member of the Lenape (Delaware) tribe of American Indians.
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