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Guardian angels, demonic spirits, extraterrestrial visitors; are these entities figments of the imagination, or is there evidence for their existence? Famed psychic detective Joe Nickell answers these questions in his lively book. From the 'Newberry Demon' of 1679 and the strange henomena produced by 19th-century spiritualist mediums to such modern enigmas as alien abductions, bigfoot sightings, and the bizarre mystery of Atlanta's 'House of Blood', "Entities" examines eyewitness accounts and other evidence for strange beings world-wide. Without dismissing or advocating any particular view, Nickell takes a detective's approach to controversial claims, shedding light on dozens of otherwise perplexing mysteries. An afterword by acclaimed psychologist Robert A. Baker adds an authoritative voice to the discussion and explains the impact that beings of whatever variety can have on our lives. "Entities" will challenge, anger, amuse, and fascinate but, most importantly, it will enlighten. Believers and skeptics alike will benefit from the careful analysis that appears on every page.
Joe Nickell (Amherst, NY) has been called "the modern Sherlock Holmes" and "the real-life Scully" (from the X-Files). He has been on the trail of man-beasts and other mysterious creatures and phenomena for four decades. Since 1995 he has been the world's only fulltime, professional, science-based paranormal investigator. His careful, often innovative investigations have won him international respect in a field charged with controversy. He is the author of numerous books, including most recently Real or Fake? Studies in Authentication and Adventures in Paranormal Investigation. See for more.
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