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Hitler and the Occult

Journalist Ken Anderson analyses claims made by historian Trevor Ravenscroft and others that the Holy Lance, which is said to have pierced the side of Jesus Christ, took centre stage in Hitler's life and was the focal point of Hitler's ambitions to conquer the world. In addition to pointing out the flaws in this theory, Anderson questions the veracity of the biblical story of the lance. Was there some meaning behind the flight of Hitler deputy Rudolf Hoss to Britain, Hitler's supposed extrasensory perception, his choice of the swastika as the Nazi symbol, the "superman" who haunted the Fuhrer, the use of Nostradamus in propaganda, the way Americans were taken in by the astrological propaganda war, and strange similarities between Hitler and Charlie Chaplin? Anderson offers rational explanations for these alleged strange events and powers, demonstrating that they cannot be attributed to Hitler.
Ken Anderson is an Australian author and journalist.
"Some of the most persistent myths about Hitler connect him with mysticism, occultism, and the supernatural. Anderson provides much-needed debunking of these legends, tracing most of the longest-lived to their sources and refuting them." -- Booklist "Takes a critical look at the evidence that Hitler may have been involved in the occult, and, disappointingly, finds that Winston Churchill had more ties to the occult through the Freemasons than did Hitler." -- Reference & Research Book News
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