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Visions of Knowledge

Liberation of the Modern Mind
This illuminating work celebrates the power of independent inquiry and the pervasive presence of knowledge. Free from doctrine and dogma, it combines speculation, imagination, logic, and aesthestic appreciation into a new kind of discipline - a martial arts for the mind. Sixty penetrating questions about the nature of time, space, and knowledge complement the rest of the text.The vision that inspires this inquiry was first presented by Tarthang Tulku in Time, Space, and Knowledge: A New Vision of Reality a groundbreaking work that has influenced thinkers in a wide range of disciplines.
Tarthang Tulku, Rinpoche is Buddhist teacher born in Eastern Tibet in 1935. He left Tibet for exile in India in 1958. While a refugee in India Rinpoche taught at Sanskrit University, Varanasi, and began reprinting endangered Tibetan texts. In 1968 he moved to the United States where he has lived and worked ever since. Rinpoche has founded more than 20 organizations, preserving and promoting Buddhist wisdom both in Asia and in the West. A pioneer in communicating the wisdom of his tradition to secular audiences, Tarthang Tulku is the author of more than two dozen books, including Gesture of Balance; Time, Space, and Knowledge- A New Vision of Reality; Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga; Skillful Means, Revelations of Mind, and Caring.
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