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The Great Wisdom Gone Beyond

This commentary on a selection of daily chants offers an important perspective upon some of the core tenets of Buddhist thought and teaching. The Venerable Myoko-ni surveys some of the key chants, including The Repentance Sutra, The Heart Sutra, and The Four Great Vows, assessing their origins, and the meaning that lies behind their creation and interpretation. An invaluable guide to all engaged in Buddhism and some of its key daily practices.
The Venerable Myokyo-ni (1921-2007) whose name means 'mirror of the subtle nun', was born Irmgard Schloegl in Leitersdorf, Austria. She came to England in 1950, where she lectured in mineralogy at Imperial College, London. After becoming interested in Buddhism she joined the Zen class at the Buddhist Society. In 1960 she travelled to Japan and underwent Zen training at Daitokuji in Kyoto. She was ordained as a Rinzai Zen Buddhist nun in 1984. She later became head of the Zen Centre in London, and wrote a number of influential books describing Zen practice.
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