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Living in Nenbutsu

Commentary on the Shoshinge by Shinran
The Shoshinge is a gatha of particular importance from The Kyogyoshinso by Shinran (1173-1262). Living in Nenbutsu is a translation of, and commentary on the Shoshinge, which means Hymn on the Right Faith in Nenbutsu. In the teaching of Pure Land Buddhism, the term is usually understood as a particular 'practice' by virtue of which we attain birth in the Pure Land and ultimately the 'realisation' of Supreme Enlightenment. The Shin Buddhist notion of Nenbutsu, however, is something entirely different. In Shin Buddhism the Nenbutsu is actually seen as the working of Amida Buddha's great love and compassion, his call to all of us sentient beings to come to him just as we are without any reservation. This new translation and commentary will explore the Shoshinge in all its depth and meaning.
Professor Kemmyo Taira Sato is Director of the Three Wheels Shin Buddhist temple in London, and Visiting Professor at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies. He is the author of Living with Thanks: The Five Fascicle Version of Rennyo Shonin's Letters (Buddhist Society, 2019), and with Professor John White, the editor and translator of The Haiku of Basho (Buddhist Society, 2019), The Haiku of Issa (Buddhist Society, 2020) and The Haiku of Buson (Buddhist Society, 2020)
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