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Surfer's Guide to Waves, Coasts and Climates

  • ISBN-13: 9780906720585
  • Publisher: ALISON HODGE
    Imprint: ALISON HODGE
  • By Tony Butt
  • Price: AUD $39.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 09/09/2009
  • Format: Paperback (246.00mm X 189.00mm) 176 pages Weight: 10g
  • Categories: Water sports & recreations [WSS]
The Surfer's Guide to Waves, Coasts and Climates will appeal to surfers and all those who are fascinated by the sea and the coast. The perfect wave is every surfer's dream. But where does that wave come from, and what makes it perfect? It doesn't just appear on the coast, but may be the result of a storm thousands of kilometres away, which depends on the air flow in the upper atmosphere; this, in turn, may rely on long-term atmospheric patterns that affect the entire globe. When a swell arrives at the coast, it already has its own unique character. But whether the waves are going to be rights, lefts, short, long, fast, hollow, or even rideable at all, depends on the characteristics of the coast. And the coast itself is the result of a unique set of processes, linked to the rest of the planet and going back into the depths of time. The Surfer's Guide to Waves, Coasts and Climates covers everything from coastal geology, climatic cycles and big waves, to coastal erosion, tsunamis and the effects of global warming on the surf. All this is explained in layman's terms, with clear illustrations, so all you need to enjoy it is curiosity and a liking for the coast and the waves.
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