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"Shannon Harveys The Whole Health Life provides authoritative science, journalistic rigour, real-life experience and eminently practical strategies to enhance your health, and all in one totally readable package. What a rare combination!"
Craig Hassed MD, author of The Essence of Health.

“A must read.”
Lynne Malcolm, presenter ABC Radio National, All in the Mind

The Whole Health Life depicts an inspiring personal journey into the expanding field of body mind science. Shannon Harvey generously shares the knowledge and tips for happiness and health she’s picked up in her own quest for a fulfilling life after being diagnosed with a chronic disease.  A must read.
Lynne Malcolm, presenter ABC Radio National, All in the Mind

Being healthy in this crazy, busy, modern world is not easy.

For journalist Shannon Harvey, finding the solution became personal when she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. After being told by her doctor that she could end up in a wheelchair, she realised she had to take action.

This inspired a ten-year journey in which she tested conventional and alternative treatments, searched through thousands of scientific papers, and traveled the world to interview dozens of pioneering researchers from leading institutions such as Harvard and Stanford, including Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, Brian Wansink PhD, Andrew Weil MD, and Wendy Berry Mendes PhD. She spent two years compiling all the latest evidence and her own story into one book. 

Discover why:

 • Meditation can turn off genes affecting disease
 • Sitting is considered the new smoking
 • One simple change to your diet can add years to your life
 • A walk in nature can boost your cancer fighting cells by more than 50%
 • Getting enough sleep makes you smarter, faster and even better looking
 • Being positive can help you heal faster from a wound
 • Loneliness is on par with obesity and addiction as a leading risk factor in chronic disease

And much more...

From dealing with work stress, to improving your relationships at home, and picking the right doctor, understand how your mind, body, and the world around you can influence your health more than you think. This book is filled with real-world, simple, evidence-based techniques to improve your health across every aspect of your life.

This is a guidebook for anyone who wants to get healthy, find balance, and live better.

Shannon Harvey is an investigative journalist and filmmaker from Sydney, Australia. After years of working for the leading news organisations in Australia such as ABC and Fairfax, she released her first feature documentary, The Connection, about the link between our mind, body and health in 2014. She now writes her own popular blog and for other publications such as MindBodyGreen while balancing her health, work, and being a mother to an adventurous toddler.

Introduction / Chapter 1: Stress / Chapter 2: Emotions / Chapter 3: Belief / Chapter 4: Food / Chapter 5: Movement / Chapter 6: Environment / Chapter 7: Sleep / Chapter 8: Healthcare / Chapter 9: Relationships / Chapter 10: Lasting Change / Epilogue

The Whole Health Life is written by an Australian investigative journalist. It features many of the biggest names in mind body health research from around the world like: Jon Kabat Zinn PhD, Herbert Benson MD, Brian Wansink PhD, Andrew Weil MD, and Wendy Berry Mendes PhD. The Whole Health Life follows up the highly successful feature documentary, The Connection, which was directed by Shannon Harvey. Since its release in October 2014, The Connection has been watched by over 200,000 people. The Connection was released to a sold out Screening Tour of Australia, USA and UK. Over 300 grassroots groups, organisations and people have held screenings in their local communities. The film has also been screened in some of the most prestigious institutions in the world, like Harvard Medical School. Shannon has been invited to speak at many of Australia’s largest health conferences, including Happiness and it’s Causes in 2016. In early 2015 Shannon was asked to give a presentation at Google’s main campus in Silicon Valley, co-inciding with their launch of Mindfulness Week. She writes for her own popular blog which attracts over 20,000 visitors a month and is connected with over 30,000 people across email and social channels. She writes regularly for some of the largest blogs and online publications in the health space, including MindBodyGreen which gets over 15 million visitors every month.Shannon story and work has been featured by WNBC, PBS, ABC Radio National, ABC local radio, Women’s Health, and more.


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