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The researchED Guide to Cognitive Science

An evidence-informed guide for teachers

researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.

In this edition, editor Kate Jones explores various principles from cognitive science that can be used to enhance teaching and learning, including cognitive load theory, dual coding theory, interleaving, retrieval practice and spaced practice. Kate has sourced contributions from teachers and researchers including: Jade Pearce, Sarah Cottingham, Adam Boxer, Jonathan Firth, Paul Kirschner and Pedro De Bruyckere, and Lekha Sharma.

Kate Jones is a teacher, an experienced leader, the author of seven books, and the senior associate for teaching and learning at Evidence Based Education.

Kate Jones is a teacher, experienced leader and senior associate for teaching and learning at Evidence Based Education. Kate has been a teacher for more than a decade; she spent five years teaching in Abu Dhabi and is now back home in the UK. In addition to her teaching and leadership roles, Kate is the author of seven books published with John Catt Educational: Love To Teach: research and resources for every classroom; the Retrieval Practice collection; Wiliam and Leahys Five Formative Assessment Strategies In Action; and The Teaching Life: professional learning and career progression, co-authored with Robin Macpherson. Kate is a regular writer and contributor to various educational magazines, including TES. She has presented and worked with schools around the world, including in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Thailand, Hong Kong and more. You can connect with Kate via Twitter and Instagram @KateJones_Teach.

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