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Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers
  • ISBN-13: 9781442226579
  • By Naheed Ali
  • Price: AUD $109.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/01/2016
  • Format: Hardback 270 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Cardiovascular medicine [MJD]
Table of
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition that causes persistent and debilitating tiredness. The condition has no obvious cause but persists for more than six months, and patients tend to avoid activity due to constant fatigue. A wide variety of causes are thought to contribute to the condition, while the relatively low disease prevalence and lack of diagnostic criteria has made it difficult to identify and diagnose CFS. Here, Naheed Ali presents an overview of CFS, its causes, symptoms and outcomes, and the treatment options available to sufferers. He also includes information about lifestyle changes, preventative measures, and emotional and mental approaches to having the disorder. Readers will find here a ready resource for understanding CFS and the various ways of approaching it, and living well in spite of it.
Preface Part I: Groundwork 1 Energy and the Human Body 2 History of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Part II: Clinical Picture 3 Causes and Risk Factors 4 Pathology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 5 Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 6 Role of the Family Physician, Internist and Neurologist 7 Role of the Hospital in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Part III: Many Faces 8 Fatigue and the Human Body 9 Viral, Neuropsychiatric, and Neuroendocrine Hypotheses Part IV: Resolutions 10 Natural Approaches to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 11 Pharmacological Approaches to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 12 Addressing the Mind in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 13 Collective Efforts 14 Conclusion Appendix A: CFS Related Links Appendix B: CFS Research and Training Appendix C: CFS and Related Organizations Appendix D: Nationally Recognized CFS Clinics Appendix E: For Further Reading
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