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How to Age-Proof Your Dog

The Art and Science of Successful Canine Aging
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How to Age-Proof Your Dog: The Art and Science of Successful Canine Aging gives dog owners the information and tools they need to provide proactive and preventative health care starting early in their dog's life and continuing throughout various stages and ages. In this book, readers are instructed not only how (and why) to do a regular physical examination of their dog's body, but also a regular exam of their dog's breed, behavior, personality - even of their dog's five senses. They are asked to consider why they chose that dog and how the dog fits in with their lifestyle, so that they can choose the right health maintenance goals for their dog. Specific information is provided about the most important things for owners to start young to help their dog become old. Health, activity, sensory and behavior trends in youth, middle age and old age are covered, along with breed-related health problems. How to Age-Proof Your Dog is a guide for dog owners so that they can start, and then keep, their dogs on a smooth, straight road to a successful old age.
Chapter 1: Age-Proofing?? Chapter 2: Why Do People Get Dogs Anyway? Chapter 3: The Inner Game of Dog Chapter 4: The Inner Game of Your Dog Chapter 5: Getting To Know You Chapter 6: Getting To Know All About You Chapter 7: The Vision Thing Chapter 8: The Laudatory Auditory Chapter 9: Smell Scentral Chapter 10: Two More Sensible Senses Chapter 11: Blue Dogs Chapter 12: Provide Purpose Chapter 13: Supply Structure Chapter 14: Practice Prevention Chapter 15: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes... Chapter 16: Beware the Creep Chapter 17: Shifting Senses Chapter 18: Turn Up the Volume Chapter 19: Diminishing Returns Chapter 20: Sticky Wickets Chapter 21: Fuzzy Logic Chapter 22: Keeping Up Appearances Chapter 23: Taking Stock Chapter 24: And Then...?
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