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The Inside Story of America's Struggle to Secure Cyberspace
  • ISBN-13: 9781442255210
  • By Charlie Mitchell
  • Price: AUD $54.99
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/10/2016
  • Format: Hardback 320 pages Weight: 0g
  • Categories: Science: general issues [PD]
Table of
The spectacular cyber attack on Sony Pictures and costly hacks of Target, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus, and databases containing sensitive data on millions of U.S. federal workers have shocked the nation. Despite a new urgency for the president, Congress, law enforcement, and corporate America to address the growing threat, the hacks keep coming-each one more pernicious than the last-from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, the Middle East, and points unknown. The continuing attacks raise a deeply disturbing question: Is the issue simply beyond the reach of our government, political leaders, business leaders, and technology visionaries to resolve? In Hacked, veteran cybersecurity journalist Charlie Mitchell reveals the innovative, occasionally brilliant, and too-often hapless government and industry responses to growing cybersecurity threats. He examines the internal power struggles in the federal government, the paralysis on Capitol Hill, and the industry's desperate effort to stay ahead of both the bad guys and the government.
Foreward 1. "Carry Out Our Demand If You Want to Escape Us" 2. The First Cyber President 3. Sirens on Capitol Hill 4. To Build a Framework 5. The Department of Insecurity 6. The Telecom Challenge 7. The FTC, "Protecting America's Consumers" 8. Fear and Failure, Again, on Capitol Hill 9. The Information-Sharing Matrix 10. A New Congress Brings a New Energy to Cyber Debate 1 11. The Promise and Peril of "Strong Encryption" 12. Cyber Tensions Define the U.S.-China Relationship 13. Help Wanted, Desperately, for Cybersecurity 14. Senate Debate Takes Shape, Then-Surprise!-Stalls 15. At Long Last, the Political System Arrives at an Answer 16. The Unfinished Journey Author's Note Bibliographical Essay Index About the Author
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