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Woodslane Online Catalogues

So You Want to Sing Barbershop

A Guide for Performers
  • ISBN-13: 9781442266001
  • By Diane M. Clark, By Billy J. Biffle
  • Price: AUD $103.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 13/09/2017
  • Format: Paperback (229.00mm X 149.00mm) 232 pages Weight: 358g
  • Categories: Music [AV]
Table of
In So You Want to Sing Barbershop, veteran barbershoppers Billy J. Biffle of the Barbershop Harmony Society and Diane M. Clark of Sweet Adelines International provide a practical handbook for singers at all levels who want to learn about the American art form known as barbershop singing. Clark and Biffle explore the history of the style, survey the international organizational structure of the twenty-first century barbershop world, and outline techniques to develop the necessary vocal skills for the style. Guest authors Scott McCoy and Wendy LeBorgne provide valuable information on vocal anatomy and vocal health. The So You Want to Sing series is produced in partnership with the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Like all books in the series, So You Want to Sing Barbershop features online supplemental material on the NATS website. Please visit to access style-specific exercises, audio and video files, and additional resources.
Introduction - Who Needs Barbershop? Chapter 1 - The Barbershop Family Tree: A Brief History of Barbershop Chapter 2 - Singing and Voice Science, Scott McCoy Chapter 3 - Vocal Health for the Barbershop Singer, Wendy LeBorgne Chapter 4 - The Barbershop Style: "Let's Bust a Chord!" Chapter 5 - Barbershop Singing Technique: From Shower to Spotlight Chapter 6 - Barbershop Ensembles: You Can't Do It Alone Chapter 7 - Singing as One Voice: Techniques for Achieving Unit Sound Chapter 8 - Standards for Barbershop Singing: Here Comes the Judge Chapter 9 - Becoming a Better Barbershopper: Education in the Craft Conclusion - The Barbershop Culture: Hobby or Lifestyle? Appendix A - Resources Appendix B - How to Locate a Barbershop Chapter or Chorus Appendix C - International Quartet and Chorus Champions Appendix D - Choral Warm-Ups-the Perfect Fifth-The Magic Interval, Val Hicks Appendix E - Ten Steps to a Better Singing and Performing Chorus, Greg Lyne Appendix F - How to Learn a Song, Paula Davis, Carolyn Sexton & Jay Giallombardo
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