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Practical Parenting and Learning Disabilities

A Simple Guide for Teachers and Parents
Table of
This two part guide is written in order to help parents simplify their lives as well as their children's lives. The first part is a straightforward guide to discipline that will help make everyone's lives more secure and content. It helps parents establish limits and guidelines for what their children are or are not allowed to do. The second part is a guide to help parents secure and receive the proper education for their children. It helps to identify learning styles and learning disabilities. This is simply a guide that may make life with your children easier and more enjoyable. The ideas are straightforward and simply stated in an easy to carry, handy booklet.
Part 1: Practical Parenting Preface Chapter 1: Early Childhood Issues A. Playpens B. Carrying and Pushing Children in Strollers C. Toilet Training D. Crying Isn't All Bad E. Babying Children Chapter 2: As Children Grow A. Bedtimes B. Mealtimes C. No! D. Privilege and Entitlement E. Limits and Rules F. Admitting You Made a Mistake G. Chores H. General Responsibility Chapter 3: A Word About Teens Chapter 4: Random Thoughts on Parenting Children of All Ages A. Friends B. Cell Phones C. TV, Computers, Video Games, Facebook, Tweeting and the Like D. Schedules E. Homework F. Other School Issues G. Parents Need Time for Themselves H. Discipline Summary/References Part 2: Learning Disabilities Preface Chapter 5: How do you Recognize Learning Disabilities Chapter 6: Types of Learning Interferences Chapter 7: What Tests Assess Learning Interferences Chapter 8: Suggested Strategies for Teachers Chapter 9: Suggested Strategies for Parents Chapter 10: What if your child's school professionals or pediatrician recommends testing Summary/Resources Acknowledgments About the Author
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