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Your Brain on Ink

A Workbook on Neuroplasticity and the Journal Ladder
  • ISBN-13: 9781475814248
  • By Kathleen Adams, By Deborah Ross
  • Price: AUD $199.00
  • Stock: 0 in stock
  • Availability: This book is temporarily out of stock, order will be despatched as soon as fresh stock is received.
  • Local release date: 14/06/2016
  • Format: Hardback (100.00mm X 100.00mm) 200 pages Weight: 460g
  • Categories: Literacy strategies [JNFD]
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A growing body of neuroscience research has established the principle of neuroplasticity; a powerfully hopeful message that we can use our minds to change our brains in the direction of greater health and well-being. The key to shaping this change rests in how we direct and focus and our attention. In an easy-to-use workbook format this publication offers a strengths based, preventative, positive approach, grounded in neuroscience research, for creating a stronger sense of overall well-being. It contains more than 65 unique writing prompts and a facilitator's guide with complete facilitation plans for 1-hour, 90 minutes and 2-hour groups.
Foreword Preface Dear Reader: An Introduction to the Workbook Section 1: A User-Friendly Guide to Your Brain and Your Journal 1. Prelude 2. Welcome to Neuroplasticity 3. The Art and Science of Expressive Writing 4. The Journal Ladder 5. Brain Maps 6. The Reflection Write Section 2: The Write Way to Positive Brain Change 7. The Brain as Velcro (R) and Teflon (R) 8. Your Limbic System 9. The Brain Takes the Shape the Mind Rests Upon 10. Neural Darwinism 11. Neurons that Fire Together, Wire Together 12. For Your Olfactory Delight 13. The Masking of a Negative is Not a Positive 14. From Positive State to Positive Trait 15. Building Neural Circuitry 16. Series of Three 17. And Now for Something Completely Different 18. Anticipate a Blossoming of Creative Delight 19. Short Bursts of Radiance 20. A Radical Departure 21. Overwriting the Negative Section 3: Our Last Collective Firings 22. Reprise: Your Brain Takes the Shape Your Mind Rests Upon 23. Bridging Into the Future References Literature Review: Evidence-Based Research on Expressive Writing Acknowledgments About the Authors
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