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Preparation for Critical Instruction

How to Explain Subject Matter While Teaching All Learners to Think, Re
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Preparation for Critical Instruction! is written for teacher-educators, teacher-candidates, school and college faculty, professional developers, principals, superintendents, and education deans. It provides an operational core body of knowledge for critical instruction. As with doctors, engineers, and lawyers, ownership of the language, standards, preparation, and practice is now a reality for the teaching profession. This book takes the mind's innate and informal ability to think critically and transforms and develops it for use in an explicit, formal, and critical manner for engaging subject matter. For use in teacher preparation and professional development programs, you will learn to *Use critical reasoning strategies to think, read, write, understand, comprehend, and explain new and revisited subject matter critically. *Design mind grammar-based classroom assignments that explain subject matter critically while concurrently developing critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities in all students. This book provides the instructional basis to improve significantly the achievement of all students at all levels. Better placed to meet the school, college, workplace, and citizen needs of life in the digital 21st century, professional practice will be substantially more tangible, respected, and universally prized.
Dedication Preface Acknowledgements Introduction PART I - FOUNDATIONS OF CRITICAL LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION Chapter 1 - The Language of Instruction Chapter 2 - The Nature of Subject Matter and Mind Grammar Chapter 3 - Thinking: The First Language Art PART II - CRITICAL LEARNING Chapter 4 - Introduction to Critical Learning Chapter 5 - Critical Understanding With Mind Grammar One Chapter 6 - Critical Comprehension with Mind Grammar Two Chapter 7 - Read for Critical Comprehension Chapter 8 - Write for Critical Explanation PART III - CRITICAL INSTRUCTION Chapter 9 - Case Study: Critical Learning Leads to Critical Instruction Chapter 10 - Introduction to Critical Instruction Glossary Index
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