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Facing the Challenges

How Principals Can Survive and Thrive in Today's Schools
Table of
Leading a public school today, regardless of its size, configuration, or location is an undertaking of immense responsibilities while confronting many challenges along with the rewards associated with watching children grow and learn. The leadership role rests with the school's principal. Rarely do they receive much on going professional development or recognition and praise even though their students find learning to be pleasurable and exciting in safe and secure classrooms. The book is intended to serve them as a reliable field manual. It provides them with a clear exposition on how to incorporate and exercise morale and servant leadership to their school community. The recommendations and suggestions provided throughout the book are based on years of experience observing the mix of social, emotional, and intellectual activities immersed in all formal schooling. What is proposed is supported by contemporary leadership and learning theories contributed by the social sciences. Thus, the purpose of this book is to enable principals to navigate safely through the many challenges accompanying today's educational reforms. It will require principals to exercise courage and tenacity, along with a high degree of collaboration with all those with a stake in the public service they pledge to provide.
PREFACE ACKNOLWEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: Voices From the Field: Superintendents, Principals, and Teachers CHAPTER 2: Surviving: Becoming an Effective and Resilient Leader CHAPTER 3: Collaborating: Role of Central Office CHAPTER 4: Thriving: Critical Tasks and Needed Changes CHAPTER 5: Educating: Building a Social, Emotional, and Academic School Environment APPENDIX A: Principals' Questionnaire APPENDIX B: Superintendent's Questionnaire APPENDIX C: Teacher's Questionnaire APPENDIX D: Principal's Survey APPENDIX E: Classroom Climate Survey APPENDIX F: High School Schedule 60 Minute Classes APPENDIX G: High School Student Schedule and No Substitute Policy APPENDIX H: Praise Page
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