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Pathways to Leadership

A Leader's Journey to Success
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Pathways to Leadership delivers strong advice, valuable guidance, and successful strategies to equip any leader to become better at leading teams and managing organizations. The resources found in this book are geared toward new as well as seasoned leaders. Individuals looking for ways to becoming more adept at developing the skills necessary to lead, survive, and thrive within companies and organizations.
Louis J. Pepe is assistant superintendent/CFO for the City of Summit Public Schools in Union County, New Jersey. He has more than 30 years of leadership experience between military, private and public service focused on leadership, management, operations, and administration. Lou is a speaker, mentor, and adjunct professor at Montclair State University. His knowledge and success have positioned him as a go-to resource for other professionals throughout the industry.
Foreword Preface Acknowledgments PART I PATH FINDERS Chapter 1 - Life, Knowing What You Want (and Finding the Path to Take You There) Chapter 2 - Certified, Bona fide, and Recognized - Why Certs Matter Chapter 3 - What Makes a Leader Great? (Skills Required to Lead) PART II TRAIL BLAZERS Chapter 4 - Leading with Purpose, Intensity, Confidence and Knowledge Chapter 5 - Becoming EPIC (Energy, Purpose, Integrity and Character) Chapter 6 - The Difference Between Courage and Recklessness PART III PACE SETTERS Chapter 7 - Recharging & Finding Balance Chapter 8 - Avoiding Burnout Chapter 9 - Staying Organized & Focused (the Hammer, the Rock and the In-box) PART IV VOYAGERS Chapter 10 - Speaking Out - Sharing Our Wisdom and Expertise Chapter 11 - Eyes Forward - Looking to The Future Epilogue/Conclusion References
Much has been written in the past ten years of how dwindling resources and increased accountability have changed the role and responsibilities of the school administrator. Lou Pepe has authored a "must-read" book for all educational leaders that reinforces essential skills such as communication, messaging, purpose, and teamwork. Each chapter includes practical applications of strategies that are supported by real-life examples. This book will be a valuable asset for any aspiring leader as well as provide reinforcement for the veteran administrator. Lou Pepe has done a magnificent job in writing a book that will assist all leaders in developing, maintaining, and communicating a clear vision to those they lead. -- Michael D. Kuchar, PhD, EdM, superintendent of schools SBJC; assoc. professor, Seton Hall University; NJASA Past President 2017-18; NJ Dept. of Ed Best Practices Award Winner (2001, 2004) How I wish I read this book before launching my own business! Louis Pepe draws on his long career as an educator, mentor and thought leader to articulate clearly, concisely, with even some great humor thrown in, the essential attributes for leading people and organizations to excel in the 21st century. Not only a fun read, but a must read for any individual in any role, whether leading a nonprofit, managing a Fortune 500 company, setting out on an entrepreneurial venture, or simply organizing a group of volunteers, to take listening, communication and setting examples to the next level. Read and profit! -- David G. Dietze, JD, CFA, CFP; President and CIS, Point View Wealth Management, Inc.; frequent guest on CNBC, FOX, Bloomberg, CNN and regularly quoted in Barron's, WSJ, LA Times Finally, a leadership book based in reality that succinctly outlines the path to leadership and the challenges along the way. In Pathways To Leadership, Lou Pepe is your trusted mentor; someone you are sharing a cup of coffee with...he's telling you stories, making you laugh; and yet all the time, encouraging you to find your vision and become EPIC. Even those established in their careers, will appreciate the reminder that in the global demand for instantaneous solutions, being a Pacesetter is exactly right - prioritize, find balance and stay focused. Well-said! -- Kim V. Vierheilig, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, Vice President, Regional Business Line Leader, Buildings + Places, New York Metro, AECOM There will always be demands on your time, but today's times demand you show up as the best leader for yourself, your team, and your organization. If you want to grow, step up your leadership and stay competitive - do not take another step on your journey without "Pathways to Leadership." This highly impactful book optimizes the time you invest in your self-study with unmatched depth and breadth on how to take stock of your leadership skills and find access roads to success. Make the easiest, most enjoyable, and effective decision in your professional development: cross paths with the penultimate leadership mentor and comprehensive resource manual today! -- Christine Messina, VP AllRisk Property Damage Experts, Past President NJASBO Associate Members 2015, NJASBO Business Partner of the Year Award 2019, Advisory Board - CARES, VP South Jersey Scholarship Fund Foundation 2021. Featured speaker - NJASBO, NJSBGA, NJAPPA
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