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Crisis Management

Effective School Leadership to Avoid Early Burnout
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This book will assist aspiring and practicing school leaders with strategies to navigate transitions, balance relationships, and manage their time more effectively. All three components are necessary to manage stress and avoid burnout in today's fast-paced and always-on world of school leadership. While prep programs teach several important facets for the job, nothing quite prepares school leaders for the job's stress, time expectations, and public face. This book can help all school leaders in these areas!
Preface Introduction: Preparing School Leaders Effectively Chapter One: The Grass May Look Different, But It's Not Always Greener...One Administrator's Story Chapter Two: Was it Always This Way? School Leadership's Unique History Chapter Three: You are Contagious...For Better or Worse. Chapter Four: Without This, Schools Cannot Move Forward: Building Trusting Relationships Chapter Five: Making it All Fit: Professional Fit and Work-Life Balance Chapter Six: Is it Lonely at the Top? Navigating Leadership Isolation and Loneliness Chapter Seven: Preparing for the Shift and Navigating New Roles Chapter Eight: Survey Overview, Important Trends, and Takeaways Part Two: A Leader's Toolbox Chapter Nine: The Goose that Lays the Golden Egg: School Leadership and Time Management Chapter Ten: Is it Time to Seek a New Opportunity? Interviewing and Entry Planning Chapter Eleven: Must-Read Books for Prospective and Practicing School Leaders Appendix A: Survey Questions and Overview About the Author
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