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SAS and Elite Forces Guide Sniper

Sniping Skills From The World's Elite Forces
Table of
A practical manual for sniping
PART 1: THE SNIPER The Role of the Sniper A Brief History of Sniping The Sniper's Place in Modern Infantry Doctrine Military Snipers, Designated Marksmen and Sharpshooters Snipers in Law Enforcement Effects of Bullet Wounds on the Human Body The Psychological Effect of Sniping PART 2: THE MAKING OF A SNIPER Psychological Requirements Basic Training and Selection Marksmanship Shooting Positions Bullet Drop Wind Conditions Moving Targets Observation Skills Concealment Skills Escape and Evasion PART 3: SNIPERS IN ACTION Sniper Tactics Target Selection Range Cards Tactical PreparationAdapting to the Terrain Open Country Forest and Jungle Mountains and the Arctic Urban Terrain Sniper Operations Sniper Teams Overwatch and Security Reconnaissance and Scouting Counter-Sniper Operations Taking the Shot Rules of Engagement Collateral Risks Specialist Applications Disabling Vehicles Anti-Materiel Shooting Hostage Situations Index
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