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Women in Academia Crossing NorthSouth Borders

Gender, Race, and Displacement
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Drawing broadly on decolonial studies, postcolonial feminist scholarship, and studies on identity, this interdisciplinary edited volume brings together personal accounts written by female scholars who migrated from Latin America and joined universities in the Global North (Australia, the United States, and the Netherlands), and female scholars who moved from the Global North to teach in Latin American universities. The seven contributors examine how their lived experiences with gender, race, and place/displacement have impactedtheir social identities and on their roles as researchers and teachers. They describe how personal and intellectual negotiations in their new location have influenced their fight for plural forms of knowing and being. This book expands the debate on geopolitics of knowledge and the position of female scholars from the Global South beyond the United States as a site of experiences.
Introduction: Thinking through Our Voices; Zuleika Arashiro, Eugenia Demuro, and Malba Barahona Chapter 1. Testimony of a Pilgrimage: (Un)Learning and Re-Learning with the South, Rosalba Icaza Chapter 2. The Significance of Being a Mexican Academic Woman in Rural Minnesota, Marisol Reyes Chapter 3. My Decolonizing Path: An Experience of "Belonging and Becoming", Malba Barahona Chapter 4. Life as a White Academic in the Global South: Colonial Privilege and Standpoint, Jeanne Simon Chapter 5. Becoming Woman: On Exile and Belonging to the Borderlands, Sara Motta Chapter 6. Delinking from the Zero Degree: Reflections from the Antipodes, Eugenia Demuro Chapter 7. Silence and Voice in the Other South, Zuleika Arashiro
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