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Woodslane Online Catalogues

Ecopolitics of Consumption

The Food Trade
Table of
Today's highly industrialized and technologically controlled global food systems dominate our lives, shaping our access and attitudes towards food and deeply influencing and defining our identities. At the same time, these food systems are profoundly and destructively impacting the health of the environment and threatening all of us, human and nonhuman, who must subsist in ecological conditions of increasing fragility and scarcity. This collection examines and exposes the myriad ways that the food systems, driven by global commodity capitalism and its imperative of growth at any cost, increasingly controls us and conforms us to our roles as consumers and producers. This collection covers a range of topics from the excess of consumers in the post-industrial world and the often unacknowledged yet intrinsic connection of their consumption to the growing ecological and health crises in developing nations, to topics of surveillance and control of human and nonhuman bodies through food, to the deep linkages of cultural values and norms toward food to the myriad crises we face on a global scale.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Oodles of Noodles: Nestle India and the Maggi Consumer Nightmare Madhu Sinha Chapter 3: Spectacles of Revulsion: The Challenges of Bush-Tucker as Contemporary Cuisine Nicole Anae Chapter 4: "Pets or Food?": Unstable Object Lessons in Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle Karyn Pilgrim Chapter 5: Agvocates for Industry: Citizen-Farmers, Social Media, and the Gendered Production of Food Cori Brewster Chapter 6: The Politics of Food Behind Bars Salvador Jimenez Murgia Chapter 7: Live Feeds: Surveillance and the Food-Industrial Complex Daniel Grinberg Chapter 8: What Grows in Silicon Valley? The Emerging Ideology of Food Technology Christopher Miles & Nancy Smith Chapter 9: Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Cuba's Quest for Food Security in the Twenty-First Century Melanie Zeigler and Walt Vanderbush Chapter 10: The Political Economy of Food Production: The Low-Input Alternative to the Capital System's High-Input Structural Dynamics Robert Drury King Chapter 11: He Who Feeds You Will Also Impose His Will on You": Food Sovereignty Versus the Free Market H. Louise Davis About the Contributors
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