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Fat Tactics

The Rhetoric and Structure of the Fat Acceptance Movement
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This book explores and analyzes the ways fat acceptance activists have advocated through language and tactical action. Using Anthony Giddens' concept of Structuration in the make-up of ideology, the book identifies how fat acceptance activists use signification, domination, and legitimation to strengthen their cause. Thus, their actions are both rhetorical and tactical. Fat-considered a descriptor and not a negative label among activists-is highly stigmatized for arbitrary reasons in various areas of life ranging from the fashion industry to health care. This books shows how fat acceptance activists work to remedy this situation.
Introduction: The "Spirit" of Fat Acceptance Chapter One: Setting the Stage for Fat Activism Chapter Two: Signification, Legitimation, and Domination in the Fat Acceptance Movement Chapter Three: Fat Tactics and the Pragmatics of Fat Activism Chapter Four: Anti-fat Rhetoric and Social Media Chapter Five: The Power of Narrative in Fat Acceptance Conclusion
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