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Toward a catholic Christianity

A Study in Critical Belonging
Table of
Critical belonging has been an essential feature of Christianity since its origin, but the forms it assumes understandably differ with the specific challenges Christians rise to meet throughout history. During the past two thousand years, these challenges have covered a broad spectrum: epistemic, moral, political, economic, religious, and spiritual. In our global society, all of these challenges seem to be occurring at once. Since no individual can meet all of them adequately, Toward a catholic Christianity tries to show how by working collaboratively the "people of God" can credibly meet them together. In this way, the diversity and unity within the Roman Catholic community are explicitly acknowledged and affirmed. For if that community is to become authentically Christian, it will need to become more genuinely catholic.
Introduction: Faithful and Free: Four Examples of Critical Belonging I. The Roman Trinity: Religion, Tradition, and Authority 1. Toward a catholic Christianity 2. Athens and Jerusalem: Two Sources of Western Ethics 3. The Loss of Effective Authority: A Crisis of Trust and Credibility II. The Old and the New: The Imperatives of Continuity and Innovation 4. Critical Christian Humanism 5. Seeking and Dwelling: Four Spiritual Journeys 6. The Common Good: An Exercise in Critical Retrieval III. Reading the Signs of the Times 7. Intellectual Eros and the Quest for Understanding 8. Sexuality, Love, and Marriage 9. Practical Wisdom, Social Justice, and the Global Society IV. Critical Aggiornamento: Renewing the Promise of Vatican II 10. Reforming the Church, Redeeming the World 11. To See Things Whole: Three Perspectives on a Catholic Modernity 12. Reflections on a Compassionate Papacy Conclusion: A Closing Word
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