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This volume explores the difficulties that beset African women and inhibit them from excelling in many walks of life in the twenty-first century. Asymmetrical relations in society position women in subjugated and marginalized roles. This is caused by customary practices that have left women in vulnerable and subsidiary positions, as well as statutory provisions that fester this process. Despite its richness in raw materials and minerals, Africa remains slow to grow when compared to other continents. The economies of most African countries is severely anemic: corruption is rife, poor governance is systemic, and wars, conflicts, famine and diseases abound. Stalled economies disproportionately affects women; for example, as nurturers, women have the extra responsibility of taking care of children and members of the extended family. In times of want, women are more likely to give up the little they have so that their children and others may survive. This book shows the various social and legal obstacles that stall women's upward mobility and offers recommendations on how these issues can be resolved.
Foreword by Timothy Austin Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Part I: Theoretical Explanation of Female Victimization Chapter 1: Gender and Patriarchy Part II: Issues Affecting African Women Chapter 2: Poverty Chapter 3: Problems & Weaknesses in Educational Systems Chapter 4: Impact of the Economy Chapter 5: Trafficking Of Women Chapter 6: Crimes of Culture: Forced Marriages, Bride Price, Levirate, Female Circumcision, and Violence against Women Part III: Recommendations Chapter 7: Recommendations Conclusion References Cases


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